


TV shows don’t just write and produce themselves. That takes showrunners! Two of the best in Canada have been Mark Ellis and Stephanie Morgenstern, the husband and wife team behind such hits as Flashpoint, X Company and Transplant. Ellis and Morgenstern split their showrunner duties down the middle, according to their strengths. That is why, I assume, you

I’m old enough to remember seeing The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show. That “really big shew” happened on February 9, 1964 – 60 years ago. I remember my dad going on about their long hair and those so-called Beatle wigs. I could not, however, take my eyes off them, and neither could a then-record

In this episode: two CBC Tuesday night comedies for the price of one. First up is Andrew Pfung and company from Run The Burbs. The sitcom returns for a third season with Rakhee Morzaria, who plays Camille, joining Phung on this round-table chat, along with  showrunners Jennica Harper and Nelu Handa. We start off talking yard

Two actors known exclusively for their work in the horror genre step off script and into their own real-life thriller on their quest to decipher if Canada’s most ghostly places are truly haunted. Yes, Luke Hutchie and Matthew Finlan are the ghostbusters in this “factual” (CBC never uses the “R” for reality word) series. Both