Again, thank you, Canadian networks, for once again not importing and simulcasting Live From in Front of a Studio Audience: Diff’rent Strokes and The Facts of Life. This allows those of us living north of the border to enjoy an added bonus ABC will add to Tuesday night’s special. Once again, the Disney-owned ABC network
How into TV from the ’80s is Jimmy Kimmel? He’s this into it as he told reporters last week in a conference call for Live From in Front of a Studio Audience: The Facts of Life and Diff’rent Strokes (airing Tuesday on ABC). “Many years ago, Gary Coleman was selling a pair of his pants
Did you catch Wednesday’s forth season premiere episode of The Conners? The half hour aired live on both the East and West coasts. You can watch it on-demand at What I liked most about it was all the looks backstage. It was as close to attending a live studio taping as you can get
I remember the first time I saw the pilot of the original version of The Wonder Years. It was early in 1988. I was working at TV Guide Canada at the time, and without sounding too much like a narrator on the series, it was one of the best pilots I had ever seen. It
Mike Tyson: The Knockout (ABC) is the ultimate celebrity profile roller coaster ride. Seldom has such a polarizing personality been so at the centre of the American Dream. Tuesday’s first episode deals with Tyson’s remarkable transition from bullied kid to “The Baddest Man on the Planet.” Among those interviewed are former trainers Bobby Stewart and Teddy
NBC and Fox added just three new shows to their fall schedules. ABC announced Tuesday that they can do it in two. Upfront Week has become “Name That Tune.” So far, this does not leave content-starved Canadian networks with much to import. Buyers from CTV, Citytv and Global can binge the entire list of new
Every May, for over 70 years, the U.S. networks have been announcing what shows will be joining their schedules next fall and which shows will be canceled. This used to be a big deal. Not so much anymore as the network share of the overall TV audience continues to set records in the wrong direction.
Remember the movie “Erin Brokovich”? Twenty years ago it won an Oscar for Julia Roberts who played the real-life, kick-ass consumer advocate of the same name. It’s been more-or-less made over as a TV series called Rebel starring Katie Sagal (The Conners, Sons of Anarchy). Sagal, 67, is well cast; she’ made a career playing