An uneventful week, apart from the political intrigue south of the border, led to a fairly predictable Top 10 in English Canada according to Numeris Live+7 data released Tuesday. Sitting atop the weekly list once again was The Masked Singer, thriving in Canada this fall with usual timeslot rival Survivor shut down for the rest
Friends in the States have been asking when they can start watching JANN, the CTV comedy starring Jann Arden. Well, great news as Randy Lennox would say. The singer-songwriter can be your girl too now America: Hulu has secured exclusive streaming rights to the series. All 14 first and second season episodes will beging streaming
The past seven or eight months have been hard on families all around the world. Folks have been dealing with serious illness and, in way too many cases, the loss of a family member. Then there is mental fatigue, coping with isolation, job loss and relentless uncertainty. Television has largely provided a diversion for the
The rock ‘n’ roll era is over at Bell Media with Monday’s announcement of the departure of Randy Lennox. Bell Group President and Vice Chair Wade Oosterman will assume operational leadership following Bell Media President Lennox’s departure January 4. No reason was given for the transition. In a release, Mirko Bibic, President and CEO of BCE and Bell Canada, thanked
When I first heard ABC was reviving Supermarket Sweep I thought, is this another sign of the apolcalypse? Is the sight of people running around lunging at groceries really the right way to entertain folks in the midst of double-digit unemployment? The question will be answered Sunday night at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC and
UPDATED Oct. 17: With a Canadian among the headliners (Jim Carrey, who played Joe Biden in the opening presidential debate sketch), Canadians were ready and eager for the return of Saturday Night Live. Ten days ago, the 46th season preiere roared back with close to two million viewers. That boosted the late night series to
I feel like I’ve spent my entire professional career shadowing Howie Mandel. He is a one-man energy field of comedy. Even before I started covering television at TV Guide Canada I had seen Mandel knock ’em dead at Yuk Yuk’s in Toronto. At TV Guide, I started writing about him on St. Elsewhere and, later,
On Tuesday, Numeris released their latest list of weekly Top 30 programs in English Canada. This is the first to reflect the first, full week of what has traditionally been known as the start of the fall TV season. While it shows that 11 programs passed the million viewer mark during the week of September