Sunday night’s Emmy Awards were the best Emmys Ever — especially for a Canadian. The so-called “PandEmmys” were over an hour old before anything other than Schitt’s Creek claimed an award. The shot-in-Toronto series swept all the major primetime comedy awards — the first time this has ever happened — on its way to becoming
It took Sherri Davis just three days to become the biggest draw ever at BriouxTV: The Podcast. Hudson & Rex’s dog master shared some terrific stories about grooming her handsome canine charge, Diesel vom Burginwald, for stardom on the Citytv police procedural now shooting its third season in St. John’s Newfoundland. The Shaftesbury series, which
It’s been a strange year. Nothing is like it usually is. No surprise, therefore, to see NFL numbers on the downside as the last of the big American team sports ramps up for another season. All there is to go on so far is last Thursday. That’s when CTV and TSN aired the season opener
CTV finally announced Thursday that their homegrown comedy JANN will be returning with new episodes starting Monday, Sept. 21. The Calgary-based sitcom, starring singer/songwriter Jann Arden, was an instant hit when it premiered two seasons ago.The six first season episodes averaged close to a million total Live+7 viewers across Canada in their first airings. Even
The Canadian drama Transplant comes to America Tuesday night with one of the strongest endorsements ever from a major US television critic: “The series will make its debut as the best medical show on American television, which is something given the competition,” writes John Anderson in The Wall Street Journal. “And while it’s a bit
As we edge towards fall, broadcasters are starting to reveal more about their patched together, pandemic-impacted schedules. Leave it to The Conners then to try to stitch things together. Co-star and executive producer Sara Gilbert went on Good Morning America Thursday and revealed this poster for the upcoming third season of the re-booted sitcom. Featured
Early exits by the Toronto Maple Leafs and Edmonton Oilers as well as warm summer months seem to have quickly melted interest in this summer’s COVID-delayed coverage of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. A glance at the most-recent, Aug. 10 – 16, 2020, English Canada Top 30 Live+7 totals as tabulated by Numeris tells the story.
The latest Total Canada (English) Top 30 TV programs report from Numeris shows the return of NHL hockey has had an impact, albeit not an overwhelming one so far. The top five most-watched programs August 3 – 9, 2020, as measured in average minute audience (AMA) and among viewers 2+ are as follows: CTV Evening