


Born Feb. 22, 1918, Dominick George “Don” Pardo joined the NBC Radio Network as an announcer in June of 1944–or, as Lorne Michaels once pointed out, “before I was born.” Michaels hired Pardo in Sept. of 1975 as the original announcer for Saturday Night Live  and, save for one season in the ’80s, he has

Have you been checking out the Canadian in the running for the title of Last Comic Standing? Vancouver lad Lachlan Patterson is in the final four heading into tonight’s semis and next Thursday’s finale. He was among the talent crammed into NBC’s TCA party last month in Los Angeles, along with fellow contender Rod Man.

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif.–Soccer???? What the hell is that?? Are you ready for some football?? That was the message Sunday as NBC presented its Sunday Night Football panel. Al Michaels and Cris Collingsworth were in the house and were quick to give the boot to commie kick ball. Real footballs have pointy ends and NFLers don’t

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif.–This already seems like it happened a week ago–time flies on press tour–but here’s my Canadian Press  take on Katherine Heigl’s tense NBC press conference Sunday. The former Grey’s Anatomy star squirmed through her session for the fall drama State of Affairs after reporters started quizzing her on her rep as a set diva.

I joke that recapping American Idol and Dancing with the Stars for theStar.ca this year is the very definition of getting paid to watch television. Fact is, a) I don’t get paid all that much and b) I was surprised by how much I enjoyed both shows. Once mighty Idol has slumped to a record

Every Monday at 5:47 p.m. I talk TV with veteran radio host Arlene Bynon on SiriusXM’s “Canada Talks” (Channel 167).  There was plenty to talk about with both Fox and NBC announcing their Fall lineups for the 2014-15 season. Fox announced Gotham as their big bat-move for fall. The DC Comics drama will delve into

Getting busted in ’86 by Hill Street cops Warren and Haid. Photo: Gene Trindl When people talk of this new “Golden Age” of television, shows such as The Wire and The Sopranos are often cited as the starting point. Kiefer Sutherland–back as Jack Bauer in Fox’s revival of another respected show, 24–says the spark goes farther

In January at the Television critics Association Winter press tour in Pasadena, I asked Andy Samberg how he thought his old pal Seth Meyers would do in late night.“He’s going to destroy it,” the Brooklyn Nine-Nine star said without hesitation. “He’s the best.”Fans can judge for themselves tonight when Late Night with Seth Meyers premieres