


With most imported series done for the season and the Toronto Maple Leafs eliminated from the NHL playoffs, the Top 30 most-watched shows in English Canada took a tumble into the bland days of early summer. According to Numeris, here’s how things looked in English Canada in Live+7 totals the week of June 7 -13:

NBC and Fox added just three new shows to their fall schedules. ABC announced Tuesday that they can do it in two. Upfront Week has become “Name That Tune.” So far, this does not leave content-starved Canadian networks with much to import. Buyers from CTV, Citytv and Global can binge the entire list of new

I’m old enough to remember George Armstrong firing the final goal ever scored during the so-called “Original Six” NHL era. It was into an empty net, and it clinched a 3-1 victory for the Toronto Maple Leafs over the Montreal Canadiens. The year was 1967 and Toronto won their fourth Stanley Cup of that decade.

This was a hard year for hockey. The NHL got smacked into the boards in March and was shut down right before another Stanley Cup run. When a plan emerged to mount a 60-day playoff tourney in “The Bubble,” it was always seen for what it was — a way to salvage what remained of