I’ve always been a big fan of Albert and David Maysles. The “direct cinema” documentatians went on to make Gimmie Shelter (1970) and Grey Gardens (1975). Before those films, the brothers captured lightning in a bottle with their black and white record of The Beatles first visit to America in February of 1964. Unlike The
Tonight is your last chance to hop aboard the James Corden late night minivan. The 44-year-old British stage and screen entertainer bows out after eight seasons that seemed to go by rather quickly. Hand-picked to take over Craig Ferguson’s 12:37 a.m. timeslot by former CBS CEO Les Moonves, Corden was an enormous success on social
Are you Beatled out already? Was nearly eight hours of Peter Jackson’s “Get Back” documentary simply All Too Much? Some of us can never get enough Fab Four but even if you’re not a big Beatles fan, I recommend “If These Walls Could Sing,” streaming now on Disney+. The documentary was directed by Mary McCartney,
“Her majesty’s a pretty nice girl but she doesn’t have a lot to say.” So wrote Paul McCartney way back in 1969, as heard in a lick of music tucked in the final grooves of The Beatles’ album Abbey Road. The Queen’s 70-year reign spanned from well before Beatlemania through Brexit. With the passing of
There will be many who watch Peter Jackson’s The Beatles Get Back, currently rolling out over three consecutive days on Disney+, who will say six hours is not enough. Having watched the second two-hour installment, as John Lennon says on “Revolution,” count me “in — out.” It begins with such drama. George Harrison has walked
Who wouldn’t want to spend six hours with The Beatles? Even if it is in January of 1969? Watching director Peter Jackson’s documentary “The Beatles Get Back” is a trip, especially if, like me, you’re old enough to have lined up on Yonge Street at 8 am on a weekend morning to climb the stairs
“My Generation” isn’t new. I saw it two or three years ago on a British Airways flight from London and ever since expected it to pop up on Amazon or Netflix. Instead it finally lands on documentary Channel, where I screened it on demand over the weekend. What the Netflix doc “Laurel Canyon” does for