Toward the end of Friday night’s first of two sold out shows at Casino Rama, many un-masked fans who were seated way in the back of the 5000-seat auditorium rushed down toward the stage. ”Two rules,” cautioned Ringo Starr, who shows no sign that he will turn 82 in July. “You can’t breathe on me
There will be many who watch Peter Jackson’s The Beatles Get Back, currently rolling out over three consecutive days on Disney+, who will say six hours is not enough. Having watched the second two-hour installment, as John Lennon says on “Revolution,” count me “in — out.” It begins with such drama. George Harrison has walked
Who wouldn’t want to spend six hours with The Beatles? Even if it is in January of 1969? Watching director Peter Jackson’s documentary “The Beatles Get Back” is a trip, especially if, like me, you’re old enough to have lined up on Yonge Street at 8 am on a weekend morning to climb the stairs
The annual animated Christmas special Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer first premiered in 1964 –the same year The Beatles conquered America on The Ed Sullivan Show. This week both Rudolph and The Beatles return to television. More on the Fab Four’s “Get Back” docuseries premiering Thursday later this week. Tonight, Monday, at 8 p.m., CBS gets
Back when I worked at The Toronto Sun, I was happy to contribute to Showcase, the best entertainment magazine even many Sun readers — due to the seamless way it was folded into the mix — didn’t know existed. Bob Bishop and Derek Tse always poured their hearts into it and so did many of
Today, Paul McCartney turns 78. He’s still fab, even if he now sounds more like a 78 than a 33 and a third. A colleague — Will Harris of Virginia — just posted on Facebook about the time he asked Paul McCartney a question. It was at a 2011 Television Critics Association press tour session.
Back wen my daughter Katie was a teen she was crazy about a little Beatle-y film called “Across the Universe.” One of the stars was a Brit by the name of Jim Sturgess, a young Paul McCartney look-a-like who played a character named “Jude.” Katie painted pictures of the actor and hung one on the