


Hey, if Marie Dresler has waited this long, what’s another nine months? Nominations were announced Tuesday for the 2024 Canadian Comedy Hall of Fame. Among the nominees is Marie Dressler, one of the biggest names from the early days of sound features. Dressler was the No. 1 box office attraction in the world back when

On Thursday, CBC announced 40 original shows primed and ready for The CW. Among the new offerings are the new workplace comedy One More Time starring deaf comedian D.J. Demers as a hearing-impaired manager of a “Play-it-Again”-like sporting goods store. Blackberry is a three-episode miniseries airing this fall and focusing on real-life entrepreneurs Mike Lazaridis

This special Thursday premiere on the podcast features a hilarious and enlightening conversation with Chuck Tatham, one of the executive producers of this Sunday’s CBC documentary, “Offside: The Harold Ballard Story.” Tathan hails from Listowel, Ont., in southwestern Ontario — a remote farm town that is pretty much acknowledged as the blueprint for Letterkenny.