This week’s podcast starts on a somber note. CHML’s Scott Thompson was taking calls from listeners regarding terrorist attacks in Europe, specifically, the airport murders earlier this week at the Brussels’ airport. I was at that airport last fall, stuck there overnight in fact as I changed planes between Cannes and back home in Toronto.
This week CHML’s Scott Thompson suggests people are mad as hell about this “Skinny Basic” subterfuge. Get a digital antenna, I suggest again. It’s a low, one-time cost and zero-a-month for more channels than is being offered on the skinny basic cable/satellite provider plans. Are people, however, really surprised by the basic bait and switch? Seems
I’ve known Steven Kerzner since before he put a Sock in it. Way, way back when community cable was the closest thing to YouTube, I was involved with my buddy Pat Bullock in a little deal called Etobichannel. It was a spoof of what was then the emergence of Canadian cable channels. As I’ve said
This week, CHML’s Scott Thompson wanted to know about the time I attended a press conference with Sir George Martin. The Beatles’ celebrated record producer passed away earlier this week, triggering memories of a somewhat prickly 2008 PBS press tour session. The man had to know “Beatles producer” would be on his tombstone, but he was all Fabbed
This whole “skinny basic” cable kerfuffle is radio gold to my pal Scott Thompson at AM900 CHML. He could hardly wait to dive into it on this week’s radio chat. Scott asks if the cable/satellite providers aren’t missing an opportunity by keeping this offer–a skinny basic tier of programming for 25 bucks–as far under the radar
This week, CHML’s Scott Thompson asks about the “Cable Killer Box.” I joke it sounds like a new AMC series, but it is another one of those “get all the TV you want for free” deals. This one is being sold in the States and allows viewers to watch tons of TV content by streaming
CHML’s Scott Thompson starts things off this week by talking about the Super Bowl. Ratings were down slightly in the U.S. and Canada. I say it was because neither team could throw, catch or run. Also the weather was warmer than usual, allowing a few of us to step away from our screens. Scott especially
CHML’s Scott Thompson wanted to know what I was doing in New York this week. I tell him about my visit with John Oliver, gearing up for the third season launch of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (returning Feb. 14 on HBO and HBO Canada). The interview was conducted around a boardroom table with five other