I referenced the passing of Rip Taylor this morning on The Humble & Fred Radio show. Taylor being a much bigger deal in the ’70s, “Humble” Howard Glassman suggested I explain exactly who Taylor was. So here goes. Before Donald Trump, there was Rip Taylor. Trump stole Taylor’s act, right down to all the shouting
On Wednesday, there was a deadly attack in London on the House of Parliament. My head buried in a deadline that morning, I didn’t find out about it until I was on hold for Scott Thompson. I was waiting to talk to the CHML AM900 host, not about terrorism and world affairs, but about the death of Chuck Barris,
If you buy the premise that the ’70s was the Golden Age of inappropriate behaviour, the guy on the poster would be Chuck Barris. Barris, who died Tuesday at 87 (days after another famous Chuck named Berry), created the long-running TV game shows The Dating Game and The Newlywed Game in the ’60s. He hit the