
The Masked Singer


When was the last time you heard anyone you know say, “Hey, did you catch The Rookie last night?” “Oh, sure — the No. 1 show in Canada,” answered no one ever. Yet it was the week of April 26 – May 2 in English Canada, according to the latest Numeris Top-30. The entire Top-10

Canadian coverage of the 93rd Annual Academy Awards bombed ratings-wise about as badly as it did in the U.S. while still clinging to the most-watched spot for the week. That’s according to Numeris’ Top-30 tally for April 19-25. The Oscars in Canada drew 2,258,000 total 2+, Live+7 viewers April 25, almost twice the audience, proportionally,

All throughout the COVID outbreak and subsequent production shut downs, one key ratings question kept nagging in my noggin: would fans of older broadcast dramas come roaring back after sampling a summer and fall full of streaming and cable options? Questioned answered. The most recent Numeris Top 30, surveying the week of November 16 to