Sunday brought the final, televised gala for the Canadian Screen Awards, the annual salute to the film and TV industry. An overnight, estimated 335,000 tuned in across Canada; doubtless more streamed the Screenies. The big story Sunday, however, was opposite on Global where Big Brother Canada drew an estimated 954,000 overnight viewers. That’s not likely
The old rule used to be that it took four weeks for a new series to find it’s level. After three weeks, CBC’s reboot of it’s early ’90s law series Street Legal has gone 376,000, 341,000 and, this past Monday, 306,000 in overnight estimates. Will it bounce up in that important fourth week? Monday overall
School has been out for many in Canada this week, sending some viewers south. Have the ratings gone with them? As reported here earlier, Monday saw a slight dip in Week Two for CBC’s new Street Legal in the old, “overnight estimates” measurement (341,000). Elsewhere on the night was all imports save for sports specialty,
On Monday, Week Two of CBC’s retro drama Street Legal (starring Yvonne Chapman, Steve Lund and Cara Ricketts, above) drew an overnight, estimated audience of 341,000 viewers, down slightly from 375,000 the week before. The drop was expected for several reasons: historically, most new shows lose up to 20 per cent of their audience in
Sunday night’s low scoring Super Bowl LIII game between the champion New England Patriots and the Los Angeles Rams was more of a super bore. As a result, ratings slid on both sides of the border. In the United States, it was a more pronounced decline. CBS claims the three-and-a-half-hour telecast posted a total audience
The Super Bowl remains — by far — the biggest draw on television. But will Sunday’s Super Bowl LIII arrest the ratings slide that has occurred the past few years? And will Canadians still be able to watch the U.S. feed (this year on CBS) and, therefore, all those big-budget American Super Bowl commercials? Here’s
Two months into the 2018-19 TV season, where do things stand in Canada? A look at the English Canada totals for the week of Nov. 5 -11, released Tuesday by Numeris, shows that positions are starting to lock in among the Canadian Top-30. This despite the fact that it was an unusual week, with the
Last week (Oct. 1-7), the new TV season came smack up against one of the busiest times of the year in sports (start of hockey, baseball playoffs, college and NFL football). The Kavanaugh hearings south of the border also seemed to distract Canadian eyeballs. Here’s a look at the start of last week in terms