I’m not the biggest fan of Family Guy, which marked its “freakin’ sweet” 200th episode Sunday. The episode found Brian breaking Stewie’s time machine, sending the entire series into a backwards spin.
The reason I’ve never been sold on the show is that it seems to be made by folks with no life outside of television. Which, I think, is why a lot of other people like it.
Also, I’m just not tickled by it. Fox offered three video clips to imbed off their media site and I did not find any of them to be particularly funny.
Seth MacFarlane voices both characters and is tops at the ‘toon voice game. As the creator of the series, he signed a five year, $100 million deal a few years ago to keep cranking out this show plus lame spin-offs American Dad and The Cleveland Show.
Two hundred episodes puts Family Guy near the top of the all time TV comedy heap, behind just a hand full of shows like M*A*S*H, Ozzy and Harriet and My Three Sons.MacFarlane once said he didn’t want his series to go on forever like The Simpsons but money talks. South Park has been around a dozen years, but still seems fresh to me, perhaps because its references are so ripped from the headlines. A recent show goofed on Lance Armstrong, with people cutting off their symbolic yellow wristbands after a sporting icon’s fall from grace.
The Simpsons, at 500 episodes and counting, seems to have run out of gas and storylines ages ago, although
points for attempting to keep pace in the chalkboard shtick from Sunday’s show, below.