
Anne Murray


This festive Larry Fritz illustration graced the cover of TV Guide for the week of December 24, 1955. That was back when signals were pulled in from all over on rooftop antennas–for free. Back when there were TV listings magazines–which sold for 15 cents. Back when binging only took place at the dinner table, and movies

World War Two historian and author David O’Keefe to pointed out an interesting irony the other day on Facebook. Tonight’s Juno Awards are airing on June 6 — the anniversary of the allies landing at Juno Beach as part of D-Day invasion. Now it is D-Day for Canada’s quarantined music industry given how many times

Sandra Faire was one of those unforgettable forces in Canadian television. Her passing was announced Friday, with top executives at CTV, CBC and Rogers all paying tribute. As executive producer of So You Think You Can Dance Canada, Faire was a passionate advocate and benefactor of dance in this country. For many years, she was

People ask if I stream a lot of TV shows but, really, I’m a threader not a streamer. As easy as it is to stream a new series on-line, I still get a kick out of threading a 16mm film onto a projector and filling a screen with images that flicker by at 24 frames

Buble knows how to play to a big room I was worried The Junos may have gotten off on the wrong note Sunday night when Leonard Cohen was named songwriter of the year. What year was this–1968?But, really, what do I know about music. As for television, well, the more I watched, the more impressed