Every time I interview Benjamin Evan Ainsworth, he seems a half-foot taller than the last time I spoke with him. Yet his ego never grows as I found out last summer in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Ainsworth, of course, plays young Mark Critch, circa 1990, on the CBC sitcom. We were outdoors on location on a residential
Andre Braugher’s performance as Detective Frank Pembleton on David Simon’s critically acclaimed police drama Homicide: Life on the Street (1993-1999) was nuanced and electric. It was almost shocking, therefore, to see him bring such sharp comedy chops 14 years later to Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013-2021). Braugher’s impressive range as an actor was absolutely akin to what
Better Call Saul star Bob Odenkirk gave many of us a scare Wednesday with reports that he had collapsed on the Albuquerque, New Mexico set of his series. News reports quickly confirmed that the Illinois native, 58, had suffered a heart attack, The good news that eventually emerged was that he was in stable condition.
They probably should have called the Oscars something else this year. Held in a train station, delayed two months, handicapped by a field of entries that, no matter how worthy, most TV viewers had not seen, this was a show that was different. There was no band there to rudely interrupt speeches or a host
The Golden Globes has long been dismissed as a Fake Awards show, run by an elite mob of elusive hacks who give statues out to the highest bidders. That hasn’t stopped viewers from tuning in each year — in fact, The Globes viewership has stayed steady while Oscar and Emmy viewership has seen steep declines
CBC has holiday fare all month long including these Canadian movie premieres:“A Christmas Winter Song” Wed., Dec. 2, 8 p.m. (8:30 NT)“Rock N’ Roll Christmas” Wed., Dec. 9, 8 p.m. (8:30 NT) and Sat., Dec. 12“A Christmas Movie Christmas” Wed., Dec. 16 at 8 p.m. (8:30 NT)“Christmas on the River” Wed., Dec. 23, 8 p.m.
Graham Yost claims he didn’t learn all that much at the University of Toronto. “I majored in football, pinball and trying to take a girl to the dance,” he claims. None of those activities prepared him much for a career as a major Hollywood film and TV screenwriter, executive producer and showrunner. Still, he found
One of the hottest writers in television and film has been dead since 1982. Philip K. Dick passed away at 53 but left behind a treasure trove of important science fiction literature. “Blade Runner 2049” just revived interest in one of the most celebrated adaptations of his work, 1982’s original “Blade Runner”. Fans will also