Boosted by the series debut of Grace Park as Homeland Security Agent Liz Carver, The Border jumped to 765,000 viewers across Canada Nov. 10. That made it CBC’s highest-rated off-ice series last week.
Hockey Night in Canada, as usual, led all CBC programs with 1,366,000 viewers according to BBM NMR data. Following HNiC and The Border the week of Nov. 10-16 were an above average Dragons’ Den at 754,000 viewers. It did even better this Monday night, soaring to an impressive 827,000, with half that number falling in the desirable 18-54-year-old range.
The rest of CBC’s week went like this: Air Farce Final Flight: 710,000, Dr. Who: 701,000, Rick Mercer Report (repeat): 637,000, Heartland: 625,000, The Tudors: 567,000, Fifth Estate: 526,000, Nature of Things 486,000, Little Mosque on the Prairie: 464,000, This Hour Has 22 Minutes (repeat): 428,000 and, dwindling well below sustainability, Sophie: 280,000
Among the other Canadian-produced fare last week, CTV’s So You Think You Can Dance Canada waltzed off with 1,160,000 viewers (another 888,000 watched the results show Thursday night). Next was ol’ reliable Corner Gas at 1,066,000. Global’s The Guard was down to 385,000. Well back, making Sophie look like CSI, was Degrassi: The Lost Generation at 222,000 viewers–across Canada. There are more people in Saskatoon!

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