


Over the past five years I’ve had the great good fortune to spend this week in the south of France, attending the annual international TV marketplace known as MIPCOM. I’ve truly valued that perspective, occasionally through the good graces of Canadian government agencies, on the rapidly changing business of worldwide content marketing. Also, the view

Canadians have always been pretty good at dishing out jokes — but can we take ’em? There was that time Conan O’Brien took his NBC Late Late Show across the border in 2004 for four Canada-themed shows from downtown Toronto. It was all fun and games until Triumph the Insult Comedy Dog started using Quebec

Broadcast network TV has had more obituaries lately than the cast of The Mary Tyler Moore Show. All the action is over on streaming, we are told, as Apple, Disney, Warners and others ramp up their VOD launches in a “Winter is Coming” battle to the death with Netflix, Amazon and others. Reports on the