


TV, like film or books, does not always age well — especially at a time when the term #cancelculture is trending. Take old episodes of classic sitcoms, such as those presented every weekday on Hamilton, Ont.’s CHCH, Their daytime offerings currently include such shows from the ’60s and ’70s as The Beverly Hillbillies, Green Acres,

This festive Larry Fritz illustration graced the cover of TV Guide for the week of December 24, 1955–65 years ago this week. That was back when signals were pulled in from all over on rooftop antennas–for free. Back when there were TV listings magazines–which sold for 15 cents. Back when binging only took place at the

Eb has gone to the big tractor in the sky. The last surviving regular cast member of the ’60s series Green Acres, Tom Lester, passed away Monday in Nashville, Tennessee. He was 81, and had been suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Lester was best known for playing Eb Dawson on the series. He was the lanky

If you love classic Christmas episodes, Hamilton, Ontario’s CHCH has a two-day marathon that is the perfect holiday gift. One Tuesday Dec. 24 and Wednesday, Dec. 25, they’re offering a “Have yourself a Retro Little Christmas” holiday marathon. The superstation pulled every holiday-themed episode from their daytime rotation of sitcoms and dramas from the ’60s,