
Saturday Night Live


The Good Doctor was back on top of the Canadian Top-30 among viewers in English Canada. That’s how Numeris saw the race between conventional broadcasters the week of November 1 to 7. In francaphone Quebec, however, District 31 continues to draw almost as many viewers. The series averaged 1,762,000 over four days of viewing just

What were the odds that over two million Canadians were waiting for Gil Grissom to return to the original CSI (now rebranded as CSI: Vegas)? If you bet the over you can collect. Grissom, played by William Peterson, returned to the re-launched forensic drama the week of Oct. 4-10. According to Numeris, an estimated 2,051,000

“I can’t stand stuck-up bodies of water. It’s like, get over yourself, Lake Superior.” In 2018, in one of his last high profile TV efforts, Norm Macdonald had Jane Fonda read that joke on Norm Macdonald Has a Show. The 10-episode Netflix series was so stripped down it was barely more than a podcast, but