
Comedy Central


NEW YORK–We all knew Trevor Noah had big shoes to fill last September when he took over from Jon Stewart as host of The Daily Show. Nine months later, overall domestic ratings have slipped a bit. On a trip to the show’s West Side Manhattan studios last month–the same soundstage where Stewart reigned–the spin was

Tonight’s the night Trevor Noah makes his long-awaited debut as host of The Daily Show (11 p.m. ET on Comedy). Following Jon Stewart can’t be easy. Stewart redefined late night after a 16-year stint in the Daily chair. Noah is a very different comedian as he demonstrated this past summer at the Just for Laughs

If you saw Jon Stewart’s final Daily Show Thursday night you already know he went out with warmth, class and laughs—but then you knew that before you saw it. Stephen Colbert’s off-the-cuff remarks were the high point for me (although Springsteen was pretty cool. What—that guy never ages?). Colbert was right to credit Stewart with teaching

My usual Monday radio chat with SiriusXM’s Arlene Bynon was moved to Tuesday this week. The sad news comes first as we discuss the breaking story about the death of CBC daytime personality Chris Hyndman. Then Arlene gets right into Jon Stewart’s departure at The Daily Show. (His last show is Thursday on Comedy Central,

The pressure was on Trevor Noah to live up to the advance hype this summer at North America’s ultimate comedy summit, Just for Laughs. Noah, as everybody knows by now, takes over from Jon Stewart as host of The Daily Show (Monday, Sept. 28, Comedy Central/CTV). Those are big shoes to fill and the 31-year-old

Trevor Noah–how long can you tread water? If I had tweeted that, there might be pushback. Do I have something against South Africans and swimming? Am I trying to link Noah with a man who many years ago made famous fun of the Biblical Noah–Bill Cosby? Am I mocking the current curfew on water usage

This week marks several milestones in late night. Thursday, Stephen Colbert says goodbye to The Nation with his final Report. After nine hilarious seasons and 1500 episodes he must be ready to shed his mock-O’Reilly skin. I can’t wait to meet the real Colbert next summer as he steps up to the CBS Late Show