
Ennis Esmer


Children don’t ruin everything. Snow ruins everything. A lot of it is being dumped across Ontario all day today. If only there was a great podcast episode to listen to while you’re shoveling. Hey, wait a minute — there is! Click on the blue and white arrow above and listen now to writer/showrunner Kurt Smeaton

Schitt’s Creek proved you can go for it when it comes to a TV title. Children Ruin Everything, for example, is snappy and straight to the point. The series premieres Wednesday at 8 p.m. on CTV. The eight-episode season stars Meaghan Rath and Aaron Abrams as Astrid and James, a young couple raising two young

First the good news: Amazon Prime Video is finally available in Canada. The Netflix-like streaming service was only in the U.S. and the UK the past few years. Canadians got a window on a few Amazon shows such as Transparent and Mozart in the Jungle on shomi. Now it’s shomi the door, enter Amazon, and let

Here’s a series where a Canadian is stealing every scene. Trouble is, Canadians can’t see it — yet. It’s called Red Oaks. Season two premieres Friday on Amazon Prime Video — which is why most Canadians have never heard of it. The streaming video service, similar to Netflix, is only currently available in the US, UK,

Quite often, TV shows shot in Canadian cities are produced out of “stealth studios.” Lost Girl is shot in Toronto’s West End  in what used to be a pencil factory. A few blocks away, The Strain and Beauty and the Beast share what was once a glass making plant. Up in Downsview, Suits and Covert