
Hockey Night in Canada


“TORONTO GOAL SCORED BY NUMBER 27, DARRYL SITTLER…TIME, FIVE-O-FOUR. UNASSISTED… TOMORROW AFTERNOON THE MARLIES PLAY HOST TO THE PETERBOROUGH PETES…” Paul Morris’s straight forward goal announcing still rings in my ears to this day even though he ceased to be the Toronto Maple Leafs’ public address announcer at the end of the last century. He

If you listened to the 1972 Canada-Soviet Union Summit Series over the radio — as some of us did with a wire running up one arm and into an ear speaker while pretending to pay attention in a classroom — it wasn’t the voice of Hockey Hall of Famer Foster Hewitt calling the play-by-play. It

The Good Doctor was back on top of the Canadian Top-30 among viewers in English Canada. That’s how Numeris saw the race between conventional broadcasters the week of November 1 to 7. In francaphone Quebec, however, District 31 continues to draw almost as many viewers. The series averaged 1,762,000 over four days of viewing just