How did Little Mosque on the Prairie and Sophie do year-to-year? With last night’s season finale numbers in (as overnight estimates, at least), here is a quick comparison.
All that cliffhanger wedding promotion paid off as Little Mosque enjoyed by far its biggest audience of the season, 830,000 2+ viewers (all numbers BBM Canada). Sophie has no such luck Monday, bowing out with 294,000 viewers.The two CBC comedies aired over two nights this season, on Wednesdays and later on Mondays. The night made little difference, with LMOP averaging 586,000 viewers over 10 weeks in the fall, followed by Sophie with 327,000. In the 12 Winter weeks of 2009, LMOP went up slightly to 621,000 (thanks partly to that big finale number) and Sophie sank to an average audience of 266,000.
Last season, when both shows aired on Wednesdays, LMOP averaged 810,000 viewers, with Sophie averaging 508,000. As bad as Sophie‘s numbers were year-to-year, it has to concern CBC that LMOP has lost at least a quarter of its audience in each of its three seasons.
Other Monday night numbers: Jeopardy! led all CBC shows Monday with 1,129,000 viewers, although just 257,000 Tournament of Champion watchers were in the 25-54-year-old demo. Brit evergreen Coronation Street saw the usual traffic with 784,000 viewers. The two Comedy Fests drew 345,000 (Halifax) and 386,000 (Winnipeg). Next year do Brampton Comedy Fest and maybe 450,000 will tune in.
CTV’s Corner Gas continues to sprint home with 1,184,000 “commercial” viewers (the CTV “Total” will likely put the overnight estimate over 1.2 million). Two and a Half Men (1,497,000), CSI: Miami (1,768,000)and the CTV National News (1,107,000) also joined the million-plus club.
Global drew a healthy 1,684,000 for a rerun of House, with 24 grabbing another 1,067,000. Heroes sank to 479,000.

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