
Kiefer Sutherland


Donald Sutherland had been a major movie star for decades before he appeared opposite Geena Davis in the 2005-06 ABC drama Commander in Chief. I was one of the reporters hoping to get a few words with the acclaimed actor on a visit to the L.A. set of that short-lived series. Davis played the first

It now looks like everybody except The DeFranco Family, Dick Assman and Don Cherry will be taking part in Sunday’s all-star, Canadian talent extravaganza, Stronger Together, Tous Ensemble. When the first long list of names were announced, a lot of us wondered: what about Drake? Well, he’s now closing the 90-minute, commercial-free, multi-network show. He’ll

I only interviewed Shirley Douglas once, but it was memorable. This was back when the actress and one time radical social activist was starring in the Sullivan Films’ nostalgic series Wind at My Back (1996 – 2001). Douglas, who passed away Sunday in Toronto at 86, played a stern mother-in-law in the Depression-era Canadian family

Tom Kirkman would never tell NFL players to stand for the national anthem. At least, that’s my hunch. I didn’t get to check that with the man who plays president Kirkman on Designated Survivor, Kiefer Sutherland. I interviewed the Emmy-winning actor late last week, before Trump’s latest howler. Still, I’m pretty sure he’d agree. “I don’t believe you should be using

CANNES, France –“This is the most bizarre election cycle I’ve seen in my lifetime, and I remember Watergate, so I’ve seen some stuff.” That was Kiefer Sutherland earlier this week in conversation for a story I wrote for The Canadian Press. You can read the entire article here. Sutherland plays U.S. president Tom Kirkwood, the

CANNES, France — If you think TV is already peaking in North America, brace yourselves for a world of content spilling over from the rest of the world. That’s my view on my third visit to MIPCOM, the international television marketplace. Here literally thousands of TV shows are shopped to content seekers from around the