
Let’s Make a Deal


How do you keep daytime TV shows rooted in live studio interactions going in this era of safety measures and social distancing? These were the challenges facing CBS and the producers of The Price is Right and Let’s Make a Deal. Both shows return with new, post-COVID episodes Tuesday night in the first of a

It’s been 54 years since Monty Hall first started asking people if they wanted what was behind Door No. 1, Door No. 2 or Door No. 3. Unfortunately, he won’t be giving us that option anymore. Hall died Saturday at his home in Beverly Hills, was 96. I last spoke with the proud Winnipeg native and game

Wayne Brady, Monty Hall and Carol Merrill. Monty Brinton/CBS On Friday, Monty Hall returns to Let’s Make a Deal to celebrate the game  show’s 50th anniversary. I had an opportunity to speak with him Wednesday and it was a great deal for me. I love speaking with TV pioneers, they always have the best stories