3259_686x309Leonard Maltin’s 2015 Movie Guide came in the mail today. As Maltin announced earlier this summer, this will be the final edition of the film buff’s bible.

Maltin published the first edition in 1969–45 years ago!–under the title TV Movies. He was a film savvy 17-year-old at the time. When I was 17 I was happy just to have enough money to see a movie!

As Maltin writes in the introduction, “I can’t complain about a forty-five year run…especially for an endeavor that began as a fluke.” Hats off to his publishers at Penguin for hanging in till 2015. Maltin says the decision to end the run was not a shock, what with film reviews and information a click away on the Internet. Had their been a 2016 edition, it would likely not have come to my door; Maltin’s movie book almost outlasted door-to-door mail delivery in Canada!

Still, I’ll miss future editions because, when I needed the information to be right and bright, I would grab Maltin’s. He lead a smart team who triple checked and upgraded each edition. Over the years, loyal readers also sent notes to help keep Maltin’s Movie Guide No. 1 when it comes to accuracy. Mistakes are everywhere on the Internet, as anyone who reads this blog regularly can atest attest.

If you’ve been waiting to buy it until the final edition came out, when you would no longer have to upgrade it, here’s your chance. At 1600 pages, it is  two Game of Thrones heavy. Give two to friends who don’t read but like to work out–they’re like brick-shaped barbells. Give it to anybody who loves movies–one last time.

If you’re worried that this means no future film reviews from Maltin, don’t panic. You can always read his thoughtful take on the latest releases here at Leonard Maltin’s Movie Crazy.


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