
Mad Men


PASADENA, Calif.–AMC owned TCA for a couple of hours Saturday. Coming in: Better Call Saul. Going out: Mad Men. (A Halt and Catch Fire session was squeezed in between.) Critics who leaned back through much of HBO’s relatively quiet afternoon were back leaning forward. There was plenty to hear, especially from showrunners and critics’ pals

Call me a sentimental old fluff, but I loved Robert Morse’s song and dance at the end of the mid-season finale of AMC’s Mad Men. Don Draper (Jon Hamm) has just turned around and he sees a ghost: Bert Cooper (Morse) breaking into a soft shoe (more of a soft sock as–in a nice touch–his

Canadians. They’re sneaking into TV shows again. Sunday, for the second week in a row, a Canuck was stealing scenes on Mad Men. That was JAG lead David James Elliott as David Wooster, Don Draper’s luncheon date near the beginning of the episode. Elliott was disguised behind those horn rims, unlike Neve Campbell, who was

The best moment of Sunday night’s seventh season Mad Men opener was when eye patch-wearing Ken (Aaron Staton) went to throw that earring back to Joan (Christina Hendricks)—and missed by a mile. That one bit of physical comedy stood out in an otherwise dark and unsettling episode. Even Mister Comedy Gold himself, Roger Sterling (John

Tonight at 10/9c is the season finale of Mad Men (AMC). This is the end of Season Six, or as its known at my house, the year I stopped watching every week.I’ll catch up; this is still a great TV show. The first three to six episodes just seemed a little shark jumpy to me.

Second in a series of Mad Men character sketches by mydaughter Katie–collect them all A friend–let’s call her the Media Mistress of Mill Street–suggested recently that it was time to warm up Don Draper’s jet ski: Mad Men had jumped the shark.Sacrilege, I thought. This is a show I’d watch in German or Mandarin Chinese

For a variety of reasons, last week’s radio chat with CHML’s Scott Thompson is just getting posted now. The buzz last week was the return of Mad Men, and there is much discussion of that here.The second episode of the season, directed by Jon Hamm, ran this past Sunday. Hamm has directed the past two